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Solubilization Physical Pharmacy BPharmacy 4th Semester Importance Notes
Important Question on Solubilization for BPharmacy 4th Semester Define Wetting. What are its applications? How surfactants are capable of wetting of powder. Define contact angle. Write its various values ranging from 0° to 180°. Define critical surface tension. Give its application. Define solubilization. Explain process of micelles solubilization with labelled diagram. 1. Define Wetting. What are its applications? Wetting Phenomena In industry, large quantities of powders such as talc or charcoal are added to water. These powders do not get wetted properly in spite of their higher densities than water,…
Read MoreAdsorption Phenomenon, Adsorptions Isotherm Physical Pharmacy II Important Questions
Important Questions: Define Adsorption. Difference between physical and chemical adsorption. Explain how solid surfaces offer a site for adsorption of gases & dissoluted solute through concept of surface tension. Give thermodynamic considerations for adsorption process. Define adsorption isotherm. Explain Freundlich isotherm with equation & plot. What are the factors which affect adsorption of solute molecules from its solution? Comment : Adsorption is surface phenomenon & absorption is internal phenomenon. Explain positive and negative adsorption with example. Define desorption. 1. Define Adsorption. Difference between physical and chemical adsorption. Adsorption…
Read MoreHLB Scale, Detergency – Surface and Interfacial phenomenon
Some Important Questions from Surface and Interfacial Phenomenon as per B Pharmacy PCI Pattern are: Who introduced the HLB concept and define HLB scale? Draw HLB scale with values of various surfactants along with examples. Enumerate various formulas for calculation HLB values. Explain RHLB (Required HLB). What are the various steps involved in detergency. Explain it with flow chart diagram. Write a detailed note on HLB and give its two limitations. Questions with Solutions: 1. Who introduced the HLB concept and define HLB scale? Since several applications are…
Read MoreSurface active agent – Physical Pharmacy Important Questions
Important Questions: Define surfactants. Define CMC (critical miscelleconcentration). Explain the mechanism of formation of micelles with diagram. Classify surfactants with suitable examples. Give medical applications of surfactants. Give pharmaceutical applications of surfactants. Explain how cationic amphiphiles posses antibacterial activity against gram negative organisms. Explain how amphiphiles above CMC decrease effectiveness of hexylresorcinol towards pinworms. Solutions: 1. Define surfactants. Molecules and ions that are adsorbed at the interface are termed as surface active agents or surfactants. In the physical sense, surface active agents are defined as substances which preferentially…
Read MoreMeasurement of Surface & Interfacial Tension Important Questions Physical Pharmacy
Important Questions on Measurement of Surface & Interfacial Tension Physical Pharmacy Important Questions: Explain DuNouy Ring Method for determination of surface tension and interfacial tension. Give equation involved in this method. Explain Drop Weight and Drop Count Method for determination of surface tension. Explain Wilhelmy Plate Method for determination of Surface & Interfacial Tension. Explain Spinning Drop method for determination for Interfacial Tension. Explain Maximum bubble pressure method for determination of surface tension. Surface Tension Methods: a. Capillary Rise Methodb. Drop Formation Method 1. Drop Weight method 2.…
Read MoreSurface Free Energy | Measurement of Surface Tension – Important Questions
Physical Pharmacy Important Questions on Surface Free Energy & Measurement of Surface Tension – Interfacial phenomena Important Questions: Define Surface Free Energy. Derive an equation for determination of Surface Free Energy. ΔG = γΔA OR W = γ x ΔA. Write applications of surface free energy equation in pharmacy? Deduce an equation to derive pressure difference across curved surface. ΔP = 2γ/r. Write application of concept of pressure difference across curved surface. Explain capillary size method for determination of surface tension of liquid. Derive equation of capillary rise method with neat and clean diagram.…
Read MoreSpreading Coefficient Important Questions – Physical Pharmacy
Spreading Coefficient – Physical Pharmacy Important Questions: Define spreading coefficient. Give application of spreading coefficient. Give derivation of spreading coefficient. Why benzene spreads on water. What are two way by which you can increase spreading coefficient of given organic substance. 1. Define spreading coefficient. Spreading: If a small quantity of an immiscible liquid is placed on the surface of another liquid, it will either spread as a film on surface of the other liquid or remain as a drop or lens. Which of the two applies generally depends on the…
Read MorePhysical Pharmacy Assignment Important Questions Interface and Interfacial phase
Physical Pharmacy Assignment Define interface and inter-facial phase. Give applications of interfacial phenomena in pharmacy. Classify interfaces with examples. Define surface tension with units and examples. Give applications of surface tension phenomena. Define cohesive and adhesive forces. Explain concept of surface tension with diagram. Define interfacial tension with units & examples. Explain why interfacial tensions are less than surface tension. Why Surface tension of liquid in zero at critical temperature. Why liquid drop assumes spherical shape when suspended in air. Why interfacial tension of benzene-water is lower than carbontertachloride-water? Explain:…
Read MoreMicromeritics, Physical Pharmaceutics B.Pharmacy Notes PDF
CONTENTS: Micromeritics: Particle size and distribution, average particle size, number and weight distribution, particle number, methods for determining particle size by (different methods), counting and separation method, particle shape, specific surface, methods for determining surface are, permeability, adsorption, derived properties of powders, porosity, packing arrangement, densities, bulkiness & flow properties Important Question: On a sight.. Define Micromeritics. Write applications of Micromeritics in Pharmacy. Discuss briefly various methods to determine the particle size of powders. Discuss briefly method for determination of particle volume. Discuss briefly various methods to determine surface are…
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