BPharmacy 3rd Semester Previous Years Question Papers 2020 from PGIMS Rohtak

B Pharmacy 3rd Semester Question Papers 2020 from SDPGIPS, UHS Rohtak (PGIMS Rohtak)

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II

Pharmaceutical Microbiology

Physical Pharmacy-I

Pharmaceutical Engineering

Roll No….
Feb., 2020/BP30117
B. Pharmacy 3 Semester-2020 Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II
Time: Three hours
M. Marks: 75
Time – 3 Hours
Note: It is compulsory to attempt Question No 1.
1. Which among the following is not a property of aromatic hydrocarbon?
(a) These compounds have very good aromaticity.
(b) These compounds have excellent stability
(c) These compounds do not undergo nucleophilic substitution but they undergo electrophilic substitution.
(d) There exists a strong ratio between carbon and hydrogen.
2. In addition to the hydrogen chloride, which of the following is obtained as a result of chlorination of cyclobutane?
(a) Cyclobutyl chloride (b) Cyclobutyl chlorite (c) 1-chlorobutene (d)
3. Identify the incorrect statement regarding cyclobutane:
(a) The carbon atoms in the cyclobutane are non-coplanar.
(b) These exist in nature as colourless gas.
(c) Cyclobutane is a commercially important compound.
(d) These compounds often show butterfly conformation
4. Identify the compound with the highest ring strain:
(a) Cyclomethane (b) Cyclopropane (c) Cyclobutane (d) Cyclopentane
5. ‘Benzene has a stronger Vander-Waal’s force than methylbenzene’.
Stato True or False.
(a) True (b) False
Multiple choice questions (Answer all the questions). All questions carry equal marks.
6. Which type medium is required for the formation of aniline by reaction of aryl boric acid and HAS:
(a) Acidic (b) Basic aqueous (c) Neutral dry (dy Aqueous
7. Nitro group is meta-directing In electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions:
(a) Increases electron density at meta-position
(b) Increases electrons density at ortho and para-positions
(c) Decreases electron density at meta-position.
(d) Decreases electron density at ortho and para-positions,
9. Which reducing agent is used for the reduction of nitro compounds to phenyl amine?
(a) LIAIH,
(b) Sn/HCL
10. Amines can be produced by the reduction of which of the following compound:
(a) Nitro
(b) Oximes
11. Which among the following compounds explodes on contact with oxygen:
(a) Cyclopropane
12. Which of the following is not a method for preparation of phenol?
(a) m-bromophenol (c) 2,4-dibromophenol
(b)- and p-bromophenol (d) 2,4,6-tribromophenol
14. Which of the following is obtained when phenol reacts with bromine in carbon disulphate at low temperature?
(a) m-bromophenol (b) o- and p-bromophenol (c) p-bromophenol (d) 2,4,6-tribromophenol
15. Richert-Meissl number is defined as the volume of 0.1M KOH solution required for the neutralisation of (a) 1 (c) 100 gram/grams of fat or oil.
(b) 5
(a) 1000
(a) Aniline (b) Benzene diazonium chloride Phenol is obtained by heating aqueous solution of which of the following:
(d) Benzyl alcohol
(c) Benzoic acid
(caN/alcohol (dHONI
(d) All of the above
(c) Azoxy
(b) Cyclobutane (c) Cyclopentane(d) Cyclohexane
(a) Dows process (b) From diazonium salt (c) By decarboxylation of salicylic acid ) By the decarboxylation of sodium benzoate Which of the following is obtained when phenol is treated with excess of bromine
1×20= 20

16. Which of the following is of special value in testing the purity of butter and desi-ghee?
(a) Acid number (c) Saponification number
(a) Benzoic acid
(a) Secondary aromatic amine (c) N,N-disubstituted amine
20. Identify the incorrect statement regarding cyclobutane:
(a) The carbon atoms in the cyclobutane are non-coplanar (b) These exist in nature as colourless gas (c) Cyclobutane is a commercially important compound (d) These compounds often show butterfly conformation
(b) Iodine number 17. What is the major product obtained on interaction of phenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide? (d) Reichert-Meissl number
18. Which type of amine is produced by reaction of ketones with primary amines, followed by reduction? (0) Phthalic acid (c) Salicylic acid (b) Salicylaldehyde
19. Bromine water does not react with benzene at (a) High temperature (c) Room temperature (b) N-substituted amine (d) Primary aromatic amine (b) Low temperature (d) Constant temperature
Section-B Long Answers (Attempt any two questions out of the following Section B)
Write any four methods of synthesis of phenol.
Give the structure, nomenclature, preparation and reaction of cycloalkanes.
Define and classify amine with suitable examples. Write any three reactions for preparation of amine.
Short Answers
Write a detailed note on Huckel rule of aromaticity
Explain about Baeyer strain theory and Coulson & Moffitt modification
Write a note on Ester and Saponification value.
Write the preparation and properties of anthracene.
Give the structure and uses of resorcinol, cresol and naphthol.
Write a note on synthetic uses of aryl diazonium salt.
Section-C (Attempt any 7 out of the following 9 questions in the Section C)
Write a note on qualitative test of phenol.
Discuss about the effect of substituent on reactivity and orientation with benzene.
Write a note on hydrolysis and hydrogenation of oil.

B. Pharmacy 3 Semester-2020 Pharmaceutical Engineering
Time: Three hours
M. Marks: 75
Section-I Note: It is compulsory to attempt all the questions of Section-I.
Q1. Multiple choice questions.
1) Bernoulli’s theorem cannot be applied when flow is:
(a) Rotational (c) None of the above
(b) Turbulent (d) Botha and b
2) When cross section of pipe changes suddenly, loss of energy is due to:
(a) Air trapped (0) Eddies
(b) Sudden changes in pipe cross section (d) All of the above
3) Size reduction is also known as:
(a) Comminution (c) Botha and b
(b) Pulverization (d) None of the above
4) Length/diameter ratio of ball mill is:
(a) >1 (b) 1
(b) < (d) None of the above
5) Which conveyor is used for handling of toxic materials?
(a) Pneumatic (c) Chain
(b) Screw (d) None of the
6) Calandria consists of number of:
(b) Outlets
(a) Short tubes (c) Jackets
7) Which medium is the most effective for thermal radiation?
(a) Air (c) Cotton
8) Passivity is due to:
(a) Higher EMF (c) Oxide film
(d) All of the above
9) Which is a method of manufacturing several different products using the same production line?
(a) Product layout (c) Fixed position layout
(b) Process layout (d) None of the above
10) Which of the following is not an advantage of using product layout?
(a) Minimum material handling cost (c) Specialised supervision requirement
(b) Minimum inspection requirements (d) All of the above
11) Is stream line filter:
(a) Cartridge filter (c) Filter press
(b) Leaf filter (d) None of the above
12) Impact Idlers are used in a belt conveyor at:
(a) The return point (c) Beginning
(b) The loading points (d) None of the above
13) Heat sensitive or easily oxidizable materials are dried by:
(a) Flash dryer (c) Fluidized bed dryer
(b) Drum dryer (d) None of the above
14) During wet corrosion:
(a) The anodic part undergoes reduction (c) The anodic part undergoes corrosion
(b) The cathodic part undergoes oxidation (d) All of the above
15) In pitot tube the direction of flow tube is:
(a) Perpendicular (c) Opposite
(b) Parallel (d) None of the above
16) Florentine receiver is used to separate the liquids based on:
(a) Molecular weight (c) Density
(b) Sedimentation rate (d) All of the above
17) Which liquid distils first among the following?
(a) Benzene (c) Phenol
(b) Toluene (d) None of the above
18) Which part in distillation apparatus represents heat exchanger?
(a) Adapter (c) Receiver
19) For immiscible liquid (a) Silverson homogenizer (c) Planetary mixer
20) Fluid energy mill operates the principle of:
(a) Impact (c) Botha and b
(b) Attrition (d) None of the above
(b) Condenser (d) All of the above (b) Air jet mixer (d) None of above mixing equipment is used:
Section-II (Attempt any two questions out of the following three questions Describe in detail the principle, construction, working uses and cake discharge system of rotatory drum filter.
10 X 2=20
(a) Adiabatic saturation temperature.
(b) Use of non-ferrous metals in construction in pharmaceutical plants.
(c) Bernoulli’s equation.
(d) Stainless steel as material for construction in bulk plants.
Swenson-Walker crystallizer.
Define the following terms:
With the help of neat labelled diagram, describe the construction, functioning and application of
Q. 6
Q.7. Briefly describe various types of manometers.
Q. 11 What is rectification? Explain various types of fractionating columns.
Section-111 (Attempt any seven questions out of the following nine questions of section-IIT) Write in detail about the fretting corrosion.
Summarize the factors affecting the rate of filtration
What are different factors influencing size reduction? Explain about fluid energy mill.
What are various modes of heat transfer? Discuss shell and tube heat exchanger.
Discuss the salient features of a product layout with the help of a diagram.
With the help of neat labelled diagram, describe the construction, functioning and application of perforated basket centrifuge.
Q. 13
With the help of neat labelled diagram, describe the construction, functioning and application of
Seitz filter.

Multiple choice questions. (It is compulsory to attempt section all questions
1x 20=20
(A) The solubility of the drug in solvent is influenced by:
(1) Temperature (i) pH (i) Presence of salts (iv) All of the above (B) Which of the following are not binary systems?
(6) Glycerine and water (iv) Castor oil, water and alcohol measures the particle size:
(6) Castor oil and water (i) Phenol and water (C) The () Refractometer (i) Polarimeter (i) Conductometer (v) Coulter counter (D) Buffers are the solutions which contain:
i) Weak acid (m) Weak acid and its conjugate base (1) Weak base (iv) Acetic acid (E) Which of the following equation describes the sedimentation rate?
(i) Noyes-Whitney (iv) Stokes equation.
Henderson-Hasselbalch (118) Fick’s law (F) Among the following polymorphs of the solute, the one which would be least soluble in water is:
Monohydrate (m) Anhydrous (ili)Amorphous (iv) All will have same solubility (G) Which of the following polymorph will exhibit slowest rate of dissolution?
(1) Stable () Amorphous (i) Metastable (iv) All will show the same rate (H) The dissolution rate of the drug is directly proportional to:
) pH (1) Temperature (11) Surface area (iv) None of the above (0) Which of the following is not the eutectic mixtures?
() Aspirin and acetaminophen (1) Phenol and salol (iv) Magnesium chloride and Chalk (J) The heat absorbed when the substance changes its state from solid to liquid at the same temperature is known as: @ Camphor and thymol
( Heat of sublimation (i) Heat of evaporation (ii) Heat of fusion (iv) None of the above (K) The compounds which crystallize in the form of cage like lattice are known as:
i) Monoclinic () Triclinic (in) Clathrates (iv) Needle (L) The equation, which expresses relationship between pka and pH of the drug:
) Einstein- Stokes equation (i) Henderson-Hasselbalch (M) Which of the following are chelates ?
) Hemoglobin (i) Human serum albumin (N) Which of the following is not the derived property?
i) Solubility (ii) Angle of repose
(i) Bulk density (iv) Porosity
() Hildebrand equation (iv) Gibbs Equation
(i) Chlorophyll (iv) All of the above
PTO for the remaining questions
(0) The method of particle size analysis that is based on the principle of Brownian motion is:
) Optical microscopy (6) Dynamic light scattering (ii) Sieve analysis (iv) Sedimentation method (P) In which of the followings we measure the Stokes diameter?
(1) Andreasen pipette (iv) Optical microscopy
of powders:
() Coulter counter (ii) Sieve analysis (a) Hausner ratio is used to estimate the () Compressibility (6) Flow properties (u) Porosity (iv) Bulk density (R) Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid is:
(6) Tridentate (iv) Tetradentate
O Bidentate (ii) Hexadentate (S) Identify the correct statement:
All isosmotic solutions are isotonic
i) Hypertonic solutions cause hemolysis of blood II) Hypotonic solution cause shrinkage of cells iv) Sodium chloride is used as tonicity modifier (T) Which of the following is used as tonicity modifier in eye drops?
Mannitol (ii) Glycerol
(0) Boric acid (iv) All of the above can be used
(Attempt any two
Section 11 questions out of the following three questions in this section) 10×3=30
Q.2 Define solubility. What is the importance of solubility of drugs? Describe various factors influencing the solubility of drugs. Write an account on solubility of gas in liquids
Q. 3 What are the various states of matter? How can the various states of matter be changed? Explain sublimation, critical point and liquid complexes.
How are the particle size and size distribution important in pharmacy? Explain sieve analysis method for determining particle size. Write a note on method for determining surface area.
Section-III (Attempt any seven questions out of the following nine questions in this section)
Q.9 Explain buffer equation. Give applications of buffers.
Q.10 Define dielectric constant and dissociation constant. Explain their applications.
Q. 11 Explain Distribution law. Give its limitations and applications.
Q. 12 Write a note on buffered isotonic solutions.
Q. 13 Explain azeotropic mixtures. How can they be separated?
What is Critical solution temperature? Give its applications.
Write a note on-a) Porosity b) Angle of repose Define complexes. Give classification of complexes What is refractive index? How is it determined? Give its applications.

Roll No
March, 2020/BP30317
B. Pharmacy 3 Semester-2020 Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Time: Three hours
M. Marks: 75
Section Q1. Multiple Choice Questions: Answer all questions.
1x 20 = 20
1. Agar as a solidifying medium was first proposed by:
a) Louis Pasteur
b) Leeuwenhoek
c) Robert Koch
d) Alexander Fleming
2. The cell wall in prokaryotic cells is made up of:
a) Protein
b) Polypeptide
c) Lipopolysaccharide
d) Murein
3. A characteristic feature of bacterial DNA is that it is:
a) Double and linear
b) Single and circular
c) Double and circular
d) Single and linear
4. The bacteria which show best growth in the presence of about 8% of Carbon dioxide are known as:
a) Aarophiles
b) Mesophiles
c) Anaerobic
d) Capnophilic
5. Which of the following is not a selective medium?
a) Thayer Martin medium
b) Blood Agar medium
c) Lowenstein Jensen medium
d) Nutrient Agar medium
6. The method used for obtaining a pure culture of bacteria is:
a) Pour plate method
b) Streak plate method
c) Spread plate method
d) All of the above
7. The method of cryopreservation involvest
a) Storage in paraffin
b) Storage in liquid nitrogen
c) Storage in nitrogen gas
d) Storage in liquid hydrogen
8. The microscope based on the electrons bouncing back from the sample is called:
a) Dark field microscope
b) Fluorescent microscope
c) Transmission Electron Microscope d) Scanning Electron Microscope
9. The mordant used in the gram staining process is:
a) Peptone
b) Acetone
c) Crystal Violet
d) Lugol’s iodine
10. The technique of killing the microorganisms including their spores is called:
a) Sanitization
b) Filtration
c) Sterilization
d) Disinfection
11. The substance used for sterilization of disposable plastic items is:
a) Formaldehyde
b) Ethylene oxide
c) Glutaraldehyde
d) Name of the above
12. The filamentous and extensively branching part of a Fungus is known as:
a) Mold
b) Mushroom
c) Mycelium
d) Hyphae
13. The disinfectant used in the preparation of water for drinking is:
b) Alcohol
c) Chlorine
d) Phenol
14. The test which relies on the rise in the body temperature of rabbits is called:
a) MIC Test
b) Sterility Test
c) Pyrogen Test
d) None of the above
15. The DOP Test is used for the validation of:
a) Autoclave
b) Membrane Filter
c) HEPA Filter
d) Gram Staining
16. The causative microorganism for Gas gangrene is:
a) Staphylococcus aureus
b) Clostridium perfringens
c) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
d) Escherichia coli
17. The microorganism that can produce dextran is:
a) Bacillus polymyxa
b) Bacillus thuringiensis
c) Leuconostoc mesenteroides
d) Streptomyces olivaceus
PTO for the remaining questions
18. Yeast-cell crops harvested from the vats are used to produce:
a) Alcoholic beverages
b) Enzymes
c) Antibiotics
d) Organic acids
19. The microorganism that can be used to produce blue cheese is:
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B Pharmacy 3rd Semester Question Papers 2020 from PGIMS Rohtak

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