Introduction, classification, chemical nature and biological role of carbohydrate, lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids and proteins.
Most Important Questions:
- Define carbohydrates. Give their classification.
- What are polysaccharides? Classify them.
- Explain biological roles of carbohydrate.
- Differentiate between starch and glycogen.
- Write notes on :
- Cellulose
- Anomers
- Epimers
- Mutarotation
- Inulin
- Homopolysaccharides
- Heteropolysaccharides
- Hyaluronic acid
- Chondroitin sulfates
- Heparin
- Glycoaminoglycans
- Optical isomerism
Most Important Questions:
- What are lipids? Classify them. Define biological role of lipids.
- What are fatty acids? Classify them.
- Describe briefly:
- Classification of lipids with suitable example
- Plasmalogens
- Sphingolipids
- Cholesterol
- Cerebrosides
- Write notes on:
- Triacylglycerols
- Lecithins
- Phospholipids
- Prostaglandins
Nucleic acids
Most Important Questions:
- What us a nucleotide? Name different nucleotides found in DNA.
- Describe various nucleotides of biological importance found in the body.
- Write notes on :
- Biological significance of nucleotides
- Nucleosides
- Nucleotides
Amino acids and Proteins:
Most Important Questions:
- What are proteins? Classify proteins based on their solubility.
- What are amino acids? Classify them.
- Discuss briefly:
- Quaternary structure of proteins
- Biological role of amino acids
- Essential amino acids
- Branched chain amino acid
- Basic amino acids
- Classification of amino acids according to nutrients requirement
- Writes notes on:
- Fibrous proteins
- Globular proteins
- Structure organization of proteins
- Zwitterion
- Conjugated protein