Medicinal Chemistry in B. Pharmacy 4th Semester is designed to impart fundamental knowledge on the structure chemistry and therapeutic value of drugs. Here in this article we will discuss some of the most important questions from Medicinal Chemistry – I, B. Pharmacy 4th Semester as per PCI Syllabus pattern.
Medicinal Chemistry – I, B. Pharmacy 4th Semester
Unit-I, Course Content:
- Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
- History and Development of medicinal chemistry
- Physiochemical properties in relation to biological action: Ionization, Solubility, Partition coefficient, Hydrogen bonding, Protein binding, Chelation, Bioisosterism, Optical and Geometrical isomerism.
- Drug metabolism:
- Drugmetabolism principles: Phase I and Phase II
- Factor affectino drug metabolism including stereo chemical aspects.
Most Important Questions:
5 marks questions: [Note: Two five marks questions may be asked together for 10 marks.]
- Write a note on factor affecting drug metabolism. [2019, Revised 2020]
- Discuss the history and development of medicinal chemistry. [2019]
- Write a note on Bioisosterism. or Explain the term “Bioisosterism” giving the suitable examples.[2019, 2020, Revised 2020]
- Discuss any two Phase-II metabolic rections with suitable examples.
- How sterioisomerism affects the action of drug metabolism? Justify your answer with suitable examples.
- Write short note on any two of the following:[2020]
- Bioisosterism
- Drug metabolism principles – Phase I and Phase II
- Elaborate sequence rules for assigning configuration to enantiomers.
- Write a short note on any two of the following:
- Partition Coefficient
- Bioisosterism
- Geometrical and optical isomerim
- Discuss the physiocochemical properties in relation to biological activities.
10 marks questions:
- Discuss Phase-I biotransformation reaction giving suitable examples.[2019]
- Discuss the physiocochemical properties in relation to biological activities. Elaborate any two physiocochemical properties with example.
- Write a note on introduction to medical chemistry. Discuss the history and developments in medicinal chemistry.