Carbohydrate metabolism
Glycolysis – Pathway, energetics and significance Citric acid cycle- Pathway, energetics and significance HMP shunt and its significance; Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency Glycogen metabolism Pathways and glycogen storage diseases (GSD) Gluconeogenesis- Pathway and its significance Hormonal regulation of blood glucose level and Diabetes mellitus
BP203T Biochemistry Notes All Chapters
Most Important Questions:
- Outline reactions of the citric acid cycle. Give energetic of the cycle and explain amphibolic role of the cycle.
- Outline hexose monophosphate shunt reactions. Discuss biological significance of the shunt.
- Give outline of glycolysis. What are its regulatory steps? What is the energy yield of this pathway?
- Define glycogenolysis? Outline the reactions of this pathway.
- What is glycogenesis? Give reaction of glycogenesis?
- Explain:
- Why aerobic glycosis realease more energy than anaerobic glycolysis?
- How glycolysis can be reversed?
- Citric acid cycle and its energetics.
- Discuss briefly:
- Hormonal regulation of blood glucose
- Glycogenolysis
- Diabetes mellitus Glycogenesis
- Gluconeogenesis
- Energetics of the citric acid cycle
- Oxidation of pyruvate to accetyl CoA
- Write notes on :
- Glycogen storage diseases
- Cori cycle
- Type I and type II diabetes mellitus
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
- Metabolic syndrome
- Renal glycosuria
- Biochemical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus