Drying Equipment- Pharmaceutical Engineering
1. In which industry are tunneltruck dryers mostly used?
A. Pharma industry
B. Textile industry
C. Ceramicindustry
D. Chemical industry
Explaination: The use in the chemical industry islesscommon, itis mainly used in the ceramicindustry to dry potteries.
2.Whatisthe drying time in the tunneltruck dryer?
A. The time taken by each tunnel
B. The time taken by each truck
C. The sum of alltime taken by alltunnels
D. The sum of alltime taken by allthe trucks
Explaination: The drying time isthe sum ofthe time taken by allthe trucks.
3.Whatleadsto uneven drying in belt orconveyer dryer?
A. Change in speed of belt
B.High speed of belt
C. Maldistribution of air
D.High moisture retaining solids
Explaination: The maldistribution of aircauses uneven drying in belt dryer.
4. For whatsolidsis belt dryer used?
A. Coarse
B. Smooth
C. Wet
Explaination: Belt dryeris generally suitable forcoarse materials. Thatis materialsin form of granules, pellets.
5.Which are the most used dryersin chemical industry?
A. Tunnel dryers
B. Truck dryers
C. Rotary dryers
D. Belt dryers
Explaination: Rotary dryers are called as workhorse ofchemical industry and are most popularly used.
6.Why is a low flow rate of air maintained in a rotary dryer?
A. To carry forward the crystals
B. To increase the speed ofcrystallization
C. To evaporate the water
D. To carry away the evaporated water
Explaination:Alow flow rate of air or an inert gasis maintained to carry away the evaporated water.
7.Whatisthe heat efficiency of a rotary dryer?
B. 20%-30%
C. 40%-50%
D. 20%-80%
Explaination:Depending upon the operation temperature the heat efficiency of a rotary dryeris 20-80%.
8.Which dryerissuitable for heatsensitive materials?
A.Jacketed-shelf dryer
B.Agitated pan dryers
C. Conical vacuum dryer
D. Indirect heatcontinuous dryer
Explaination:Jacketed-shelf dryerissuitable for heatsensitive and oxidizable materials.
9.Which dryeris used for drying powders and dyes?
A.Jacketed-shelf dryer
B.Agitated pan dryers
C. Conical vacuum dryer
D. Indirect heatcontinuous dryer
Explaination: Conical vacuum dryeris used to dry powders and dyes and pigments.
10.How doesthe heattransfer occursin the indirect-heatcontinuous dryers?
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Circulation
Explaination: In indirect-heatcontinuous dryers, heattransferto the wet material occurs by conduction through the wall of
the dryer.