Account Information Groups: Tally esa Default 28 Groups gksrs gS A 15 Main, 13 Sub-Group. Capital Account:tks /ku Busines dsOwner us Business esa yxk j[kk gS og Capital gksrh gSA eq. Equity Share/preference share capital ;s capital account ds vUnj vk,asxA Loan Liability : tc fdlh Third party ls Loan ys j[kk gks rks og Loan Liability ds Under vk,xkA Current Liability: ,sls nkf;Ro (Liability) ftudhPyament ,d lky ds vUnj gh fdlh ckgj okys dks pay djuk iM+rk gSA Liability og jkf’k gksrh gS tks ,d owner us fdlh Third Party…
Read MoreDay: May 15, 2021
MS PowerPoint Question Answer – Computer Basics, Computer Fundamentals
Ms Powerpoint What is Microsoft Powerpoint: Ms PowerPoint is a program which is used in a company to prepare slide and animation. And it is also used to show the presentation of any project. What is Presentation ? Presentation is a collection of slides. Extension name of PowerPoint: Dot PPT How to open PowerPoint? Go to start menu→ all program→ microsoft office→ MS PowerPoint Press window + R → Powerpnt→ ok How to prepare slide and animation? Go to format menu →slide…
Read MoreMS Access Question Answer – Computer Basics, Computer Fundamentals
Microsoft Access2003 What is Microsoft Access ? Microsoft access is RDBMS ( Relationship Database Management System ). It is used to prepare database for data or particular information. Extension of Ms Access ? Dot MDB What is Database ? Database is a collection of one or more tables or data which is used for particular information. What is Table ? Table is a collection rows and columns of fields and records such as name,class,marks etc . What is Record ? Record is a row…
Read MoreMS Excel Question Answer – Computer Basics, Computer Fundamentals
EXCEL Ms excel:- Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program which is used to input, calculate and manipulate data , stored in form rows and columns ,generation of charts, perform mathematical ,logical, financial and text functions etc. What is extension name of excel? Dot XLS How to open ms excel? Go to start menu → all program → ms office → ms excel. press window + r → type me excel→ ok What is worksheet? Worksheet is a collection of gridlines…
Read MoreMS Word Questions Answers – Computer Basics, Computer Fundamentals
MS WORD What is Microsoft Word? Microsoft Word is an application software, It is part of Ms-office. It is most powerful word-processing package for office automation (computerization) developed by Microsoft Corporation. Features of MS-Word:- Editing of text: – You can cut, copy, paste and delete the text. Page formatting: – You can set the page margins top, bottom, left, right. Paragraph formatting:- You can set space between two paragraph and lines . Text Formatting: – You can change font style, color size, text effects etc. Word wrap: –…
Read MoreComputer Fundaments – Question Answers, Computer Basics
CONTROL PANEL How to open control panel? Go to start menu → control panel OR window +R → type control panel How to change the mouse pointer? Go to control panel → printer and other hardware → mouse → click on pointers browse → select pointer→ open → apply → ok How to see the user account? Press window + L How to create a user account? Go to control panel → user account → create user account → next → create a/c How…
Read MoreQuestion Answers on Windows Computer Fundamentals, Computer Basics
Question Answer on Windows Question: How to use auto arrange icon? Answer: Right click of mouse → arrange icon → auto arrange Question: How to out of hide icon? Answer: Right click of mouse → arrange icon → show desktop icon. Question: How to create any folder? Answer: Right click of mouse → new → folder. Question: How to rename a folder? Answer: Right click on folder → rename → enter. Question: How to change icon of any folder? Answer: Right click on folder → properties → customize → click on change icon → choose…
Read MoreTypes Of Memory in Computer Basics, Computer Application in Pharmacy
Types Of Memory in Computer Primary Memory :- It is also known as main memory with limited storage capacity. It is two types: 1. RAM: Random Access Memory it is temporary memory. 2. ROM: Read Only Memory it is permanent memory. Secondary Memory: This memory store large amount of data as floppy disk magnetic disks etc. Primary memory is more expensive than the secondary memory. Because of this the size of Primary memory is less than of Secondary memory. Storage Devices: The devices which are used for storing the data externally are called external…
Read MoreGenerations of Computer – Notes Computer Basics, Computer Application in Pharmacy
Generations of Computer 1st generation (1946-56) Very large size Vacuum tubes were used for data These tubes a lot of heat Very expensive Speed low 18000 tubes Hardware problems 2nd generation (1956-64) :- Vacuum tubes were replaced with transistors Size small or speed high Less hardware problems 3rd generation (1964-71) :- Transistors were replaced with IC.(integrated circuit) Size small Speed very high . 4th generation (1971-80):- Speed naro second , milli second, pico second IC were replaced with VLSIC :Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit. 5th generation (1980-present) :- Different size of computers…
Read MoreComputer Fundamentals – Notes Computer Basics, Computer Application Pharmacy
Computer Fundamentals Full form of computer C : Commonly O : Operating M : Machine P : Particularly U : Used In T : Trade E : Education And R : Research We can say in other language, system to the computer. System:- S : Save Y : Your S : Sufficient T : Time E : Energy And M : Money What is definition…
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